Sustainable Lockers & Toilet Cubicle in UAE- What’s Best?


The standard quality is required for toilet cubicles and lockers in UAE, some of the most efficient quality material points that user can look for luxury and comfort are being discussed further. In gulf countries due to high temperature and scarcity of water the highly engineered options are being looked forward to make the place hold the class and be self maintained. Users are looking for options online to get in the best valuable packs.

Most of the time clients ignore such space areas and invest in different areas. But, the things are changing, the trend is coming to make the place look luxurious unanimously, thus the same importance is given to such areas now a days. This being the case, some of the options and there benefits are being provided below for the users to understand what fits best for them. Pollution free, minimal water consumption solutions are highly in demand and catering them is the service sector where most of the companies work in same niche.

Lockers in UAE :-

With variation in height and material used there are a lot of things to look before ordering for such options. Lockers are used for storage at different places such as banks, gyms, swimming places, museums, schools etc. The applicable areas are all those public gatherings where the belongings are to be stored before getting further involved. For such locations there are different material and type of lockers that are being catered in UAE, some of the characteristics on which the manufacturing depends are:

Type of users :

The age and the type of user is most important factor to understand before taking another step. This means that you have to give utter importance to the customers it concerns with.

Material to be Used:

The options in wooden, steel, steel and wood combined are all present but conditions that affect are the moisture, public temper, nature etc. The material must be able to absorb the heat and moisture and should not get cracked in long term run.

There are many other such factors that are being kept in consideration like, the number of the user and availability of space. The type of lock being manual with keyed or coded option. High grade option such as fingerprint and card are there for the users with higher standards and luxury in designs.

Toilet Cubicles in UAE :

Toilet cubicles in UAE are being designed with elegant design and material such as wood, polyvinyl carbonate, acrylic, wood & steel combination etc. The companies are using color combinations and wallpapers to make the design look positive and mood uplifting. User gets best quality product with size and space options for the customers. The schools, museum, malls and other spaces can have these options in the bulk depending upon expected flow of public.

About Sabt Industry LLC :

The company has been serving customers for more than two decades with quality solutions in lockers and toilet cubicles all over UAE. The option of budget and area customization are catered by the company for the user to understand the best options that can be used and operationalized. The awareness team is responsible to put the vision and theme in designs and material being used. The client is given preference of choosing different materials within the budget range possible for the same. The international quality material approved by all standard organisations is catered to give long lasting products.

P.O.Box 53734 , Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 3472701
Fax: +971 4 3472453