Media Release: SFFP announces candidates for the Legislative Council Elections


Shooters, Fishers & Farmers Party Tasmania has completed its preselection process and announces the following candidates for the May 2019 Legislative Council elections:

SFFP candidate’s support believe every day, ordinary people are needed parliament, and voters want truly representation of their community, not just more privileged and elitists running the show.

It’s refreshing Legislative Council elections have an expenditure limit per candidate, SFFP candidates welcome campaign election limits, which help maintain fairness and equity for all. Let’s review the election campaign limits for all elections for any candidate or his/her political party, as donations are not the issue, it’s a lack of expenditure limits which is the underlying problem.

SFFP candidates will be running on open tickets and suggest voters number every box; you the voter decide who is elected NOT dodgy political preference deals.

Remember the Legislation Council is a house of review, there to keep those in parliament honest and respectful of the community.

Carlo Difalco SFFP candidate for Pembroke
Carlo believes in an accountable and transparent government. There appears to be too much secrecy within the government and this does not serve the Tasmanian public well. More resources need to be given to the Ombudsman and integrity commission in order that the people of Tasmania can experience open and transparent governance.

To that end, whistle blower legislation also needs to be strengthened to give the population confidence that the government is dealing in the best interests of all Tasmanians, not just a privileged few.

Recent events have exposed the weaknesses in the management of the WHA. It is time to set in motion a regime of proscribed burning to lessen the fuel loads on the forest floor and the use of heavy machinery to push firebreaks irrespective of whether it is World Heritage or not since an out of control fire has the potential to endanger human life and property.

Lorraine Bennett, SFFP candidate for Nelson
Lorraine is approaching the election with an open mind. Lorraine said “I will not make promises on how I will vote as I believe the role requires a person who will look at the Legislation presented, talk to interested groups, making decisions that will benefit Tasmania and its people, not just politicians.” Lorraine aims to bring truth and evidenced based information to all enquiries and decision making. No more half-truths and sensational outlandish comments without evidence-based facts. The time of scaremongering is over.

Brenton Jones, SFFP candidate for Montgomery
Brenton has the strong belief Tasmania should be a place where the interests and wellbeing of every citizen are accommodated and valued. He is concerned in the past certain interests of the “powerful or perceived popular” have overridden those who have less influence or voice in our community. He believes that everybody’s input and contribution is vital for Tasmania to be strong socially and economically. There should be no conflict between Tourism and Forestry / Fish Farming. We all need each other and so should support each other. No group should be vilified in order to promote another. This must be reflected in government as well as in the community including the media that has seemed in the past all too eager to chant for the powerful and demonise the unpopular. Owing nothing to anybody Brenton will not be bound by secret deals and arrangements as have others had been when in positions of power.


For future information
Carlo Difalco
SFFP candidate for Pembroke
Mob: 0439709700

Lorraine Bennett
SFFP candidate for Nelson
Mob: 0406897972

Brenton Jones
SFFP candidate for Montgomery