How to Stop Procrastinating and Increase Sales from Day One


Little we need to tell people why procrastination can kill a business or jeopardise an individual’s career progress. We all procrastinate for one or other reason but the real problem is with people who keep doing it endlessly until they find that their tasks have become unmanageable. If you or your salespeople are regularly in the habit of procrastinating, then it is time to set it right at the earliest possible. More importantly, you need to recognise that you or your sales team has this problem in them and that you need procrastination help from business consultant professionals who understand this problem in depth.

The worst form of procrastination is Sales Procrastination wherein salespeople don’t even take their first step to meet customers or clients but justify it for themselves with invalid reasons. Fear of being rejected or negative imagined reasons could all be potential reasons for this. If you are a solo entrepreneur or someone new to selling jobs and you have this problem seek the help of a business consultant immediately. They can analyse the stumbling blocks and chart a growth path combined with an appropriate sales strategy.

Procrastination is not an incurable state of mind – it is curable when you understand that it has taken deep roots within you or your sales team and you are willing to seek and accept help.
Defining and Understanding Procrastination

The nearest meaning of procrastination can be found in the American Heritage Dictionary. It defines it as: “To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.”

As we can see, procrastination is all about habitual carelessness and plain simple laziness. Carelessness and laziness are not an acceptable behavioural pattern in business, and unless corrected, it is sure to not only ruin a business owner but all those whose lives and livelihood revolve around it.

Is procrastinating always a bad thing? No, not always, but good if you have a plan and think it will give you an advantage, though this is not the case in most business scenarios. There are many examples of deriving benefits from procrastination but they are mostly accidental that not even the procrastinator would have guessed earlier.
Fighting Procrastination for Sales People

Personally it is the view of many business leaders that procrastinating is an ailment of one’s mind and the worst affected in business are salespersons. It has the potential to create a feeling of guilt and anxiety having failed to do something at the right time. The reasons why salespeople are more prone to procrastinate are not difficult to see, but broadly it centres on fear. Fear in salespersons can be overcome with professional counseling and training.

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