Second time mother Becomes first in India to give birth to triplets at the Age of 52


A 52 year old woman, Mrs. Sunita Kadam (Name Changed) from Pune has become first in India to give birth to triplets conceived through IVF at Pune’s Saishree Hospital.

The two out of three are baby boys and one girl. Well in this case 2 kids were born healthy while the third was little weak, and was kept in NICU. Ultimately after few days the kid recovered. It was not an easy journey to parenthood for Mr & Mrs. Kadam, as they tried to have baby through IVF in Hyderabad and Pune Hospitals before. There was no positive result even after multiple attempts.

“This is really happy moments for our family to have three babies in First attempt at Saishree Hospital,” Says Mrs.Kadam.

A triplet pregnancy after in vitro fertilization is a procedure-related complication that should be prevented by replacement of two embryos only.

The obstetric outcome of triplet pregnancies in our population indicates that triplet pregnancies after IVF treatment have to be prevented. Selective embryo reduction is acceptable for few patients only and can therefore not be seen as a solution. Replacement of three embryos results in triplet pregnancy in an unacceptably high percentage. Replacement of two embryos only gives acceptable IVF results and is the method chosen in the IVF program to prevent triplet pregnancies. However, mother denied for fetal reduction and wanted to give birth to triplets which is very rare.

Doctors at SaiShree Hospital Dr.Yeshwant Mane and Dr.Girish Pote, practicing IVF treatment for many years, said IVF for twins or triplets requires transferring of dual or triple embryos into the womb, which also reduces chances of failure, which otherwise is higher in single-embryo transfer or normal IVF.

“In this case, mother’s physical health and fetal well being played a major role in IVF success and birth to triplets.” Said Dr. Pote Further he added, “We have a very great team in our center. We provide advanced treatment and facilities to our patients. And now we are happy to announce that we have delivered 101 live babies till December 2018 through IVF.”

Saishree Hospital has started its IVF center 16 months ago and till December 2018 ‘101’ live babies in which 40 singles (Boy/Girl), 29 twins and 1 triplet were born through IVF. Now these triplets played big role to cross the number.