Relieve Muscle & Joint Soreness With This $25 Pulse Massager


It provides low-frequency pulses via electrode pads.

The Details:
• Works via electrode pads to help muscle & joint pain with low-frequency pulses.
• Choose from 16 intensity levels and 5 massage modes depending on your symptoms.
• 4 included pads to address more than one area at once.
• Small and compact for travel.

• Why You Want It: Whether from stress, exercise, or just plain aging, most of us experience muscle & joint pain at some point. And while proper massages are wonderful, they can also be costly and inconvenient. This nifty Pulse Massager does a great deal to ease symptoms at a price almost anyone can afford.

• The Deal: Already reasonable with a $25.95 MSRP, the Inverse Shop currently offers the Medvive Electronic Pulse Massager for only $17.37 out the door after a 40 percent discount.

Benefits of TENS Unit
Do you know the Benefits of TENS Unit? If not, it is not too late. If you have Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis, Tendinitis, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain etc. You probably have seen a doctor and a painkiller temporarily relieved your pains but if you are looking for something permanent, and something you can carry in your bag and use whenever you need, TENS Unit Device is just something for you. It is easy to use, easy to handle and most importantly it doesn’t cost a fortune to you.

TENS Unit is the short version of Trans-cutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Trans-cutaneous means something applied across the depth of the skin. In our case, it is the low electric current that mimics our nerve system and it reduces the muscle pain as a simple explanation.

In today’s world, most white collar office workers who are over 40 years old mostly complain about back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain. Even you do exercise every day, it will not help to pain not only caused by immobility in the offices but also because of daily stress.