Matthew-David Hurtado Tells All The Truth About Tithing


18 February 2019 – The Matthew-David Hurtado video blog on YouTube presents cool features of tithing and not only. The tithing advantages explained in details you can find from the Matthew-David Hurtado videos and posts. You will be able to easily find the biblical tithing pros and cons, and explore the main risks and priorities that you should take into account. Tithing testimonies are the best option you can consider, that is why, do not miss this chance to explore all these in one place. In this article, we will review the Matthew-David Hurtado videos and will make a resume.

The video blog or YouTube channel of Matthew-David Hurtado seems to be a really popular one. Matthew describes all the details and helps people understand more in depth about the truth of tithing. What do you think about donations to church? Are they beneficial? Paying tithing and donations – a good or a bad practice? Answers to these question you will find here below.

How does our desire to pay tithing and offerings show Heavenly Father our gratitude for all of His blessings given to us? We were given commandments to help us prepare for life in the presence of Heavenly Father. He gave us the opportunity to express our gratitude to Him for our blessings. One way to thank Him is to gladly pay tithing and offerings. By making these donations, we show that we love Him and want to be obedient to His advice. How does paying tithing and giving help us express gratitude to our Heavenly Father? For teachers: To start a discussion, ask a question that opens the chapter, and ask class members or family members to read the text of the manual to find additional information. Use the questions at the end of each lesson to help students or family members reflect on what they have read, discuss it, and then apply it in their lives. When we pay tithing, we show our loyalty to the Lord. We also teach our children the importance of this law. They will want to follow our example by paying tithing on any of their earnings.

About Matthew-David Hurtado:
Matthew-David Hurtado is a popular guy that knows everything about tithing and had experience in this field. If you are wondering to know more about it, do not miss the opportunity and you will get a reach knowledge package.

Company Name: Matthew-David Hurtado