Jhanak – Khathak Performance 23rd February at Prabhath Rangamandira


Kala Sahita presents Jhanak – Exploring new ways of story telling in kathak. We invite ( attached) you to a very special evening of showcase in Kathak on 23rd ,February 2019 at KEA Prabhatha Rangamandira, Basaweshwara Nagar, between 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Please read the following concept of this performance and let me know if we could do a feature story on how traditional dance can be reformed to new styles.

The theme of this performance is not to just beautify and bring out the technical aspects of Khatak, but it also includes how one can push the boundaries of this art form and make it fluid from it’s traditional style. So the questions we asked ourselves to create this piece were -“Can a student’s performances give them a chance to be reflective about their lives,opinions and perspectives? Can the process of choreography be investigative and be born through questions about myth, history and the form of kathak? What happens when we bring in the personal into a seemingly apolitical practice”?

As we journeyed through some of these questions last year, we debated, discussed and created works collaboratively with students of Kala Sahita for the showcase.

Do come to watch us on

Date : 23rd February, 2019 , Saturday
Time : 5.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Venue: KEA Prabhath Rangamandira
C A Site No. 1, 8th Main Road, 2nd Cross Rd, 3rd Stage 4th Block,
Shakthi Ganapathi Nagar, Basaweshwara Nagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560079
096320 57799.

RSVP: Dhanashree – 9845719441
Tickets to be booked on : Eventshigh https://bit.ly/2IbQXLQ

Concept and direction: Mridula Rao and Priyanka

Choreography and performed by: Team of Kala Sahita

Music : Bindhumalini Narayaswamy

Photography and Design: Arvind Sridhar

Look forward to hear your interest in covering our performance.