5 Criteria to Judge Used Shipping Containers for Hire In Auckkand


Summary: Customers are often eager to purchase or rent used shipping containers without checking their quality. However, customers must judge the quality of the used container on specific grounds before investment.

14th February 2019, Auckland: Customers who rush into buying or renting used shipping containers are bound to regret their investment. One has to apply critical judgment when it comes to purchasing or leasing a commodity such as a shipping container. Many credible suppliers supply used shipping containers for hire in Auckland. However, that does not guarantee a positive rental or purchase experience unless customers are willing to be careful about what they rent or buy.

Buying or renting used shipping containers without judging every aspect of its quality is risky. So, customers planning on acquiring a used shipping container for hire in Auckland are recommended to evaluate the product on the following grounds:

Shipping containers do not rely on the bottom metal surface alone for flooring purposes. Most used shipping containers have a layer of wood flooring over the base metal surface. However, used containers may show signs of floor-boards rotting from mould and dampness. Customers must inspect the flooring to confirm the wood is not damaged from exposure to moisture at sea.

The condition of other metal surfaces
The exposure to moisture at sea often forms rust on the metal surfaces of the container. Customers who are looking to get their money’s worth must ensure that the shipping container for hire is not impacted by heavy rusting. Used rusty containers are prone to crumbling and collapsing under pressure.

Door security
Customers cannot expect secured storage from a container whose doors are non-functional. They are advised to check the doors manually, inspect the locking mechanism, the hinges, etc. to ensure that the container offers a fair amount of security.

Internal condition
Inspecting the structural integrity of the container is not enough. Customers must also check a used container for odours. Odours are a sign of pests and contamination. Certain smells can cause a biohazard risk. It is in the customer’s best interest to ask the supplier to eliminate such odours from the container before delivery.

Overall state
Customers who want to rent or buy a container with aesthetic quality are also recommended to inspect the exterior of the container for chipped paint, dents, graffiti, etc.

Considering these points can lead customers to a shipping container for hire that is worth their investment.