Tej Gyan Foundation To Organise “Maha Aasmani Param Gyan Retreat”


1st to 5th March 2019, Balaji Nirogdham, Bakhtavarpur, Delhi

New Delhi, 11th February 2019: Tej Gyan Foundation (TGF), the charitable organization with the objective of creating a “highly evolved society” through the motto “Happy Thoughts”, is organizing “Maha Aasmani Param Gyan Retreat” from 1st March 2019 to 5th March 2019 at New Delhi, India.

Based on the teachings of Sirshree, founder of the Tej Gyan Foundation, the goal of the 5 days residential retreat (in Hindi) is dedicated to attain permanent happiness, and freedom from stress, worry, anger and fear. Participant can enjoy wellbeing in all five spheres of life – physical, mental, social, financial, spiritual and release his/her infinite potential.

When we are not aligned with the Self, the contrast mind (judgmental mind) starts ruling our thoughts. The contrast mind keeps somersaulting between the past and the future. As a result, the body emits negative vibes. The heart gets locked and negative emotions begin to flow. The tendencies of the body – mind mechanism overshadow the Self.

The retreat is a spiritual journey into the inner self. This retreat is a Self–Realization intensive. It is a unique opportunity for a transformational inquiry into the timeless questions of ‘Who am I’ and ‘Why am I here’.

Tej Gyan retreats train the mind to be on track so that life can be more balanced. They are a one of a kind “System for Wisdom” combining knowledge and experience. A step-by-step guide from Self-Help to Self-Realization.

One can watch discourses by Sirshree on various topics on U tube.