Satya Loka Organises various Meditation Retreats In Greece, Austria, & India


Thessaloniki, Greece ( ) February 11, 2019 – Satya Loka, a school, founded to preserve and teach traditional yoga, tantra, and meditation now offer a variety of meditation retreats for beginners and advanced practitioners. The program includes meditation sessions and practices that help to prepare the mind and body for deeper meditation.

“We teach techniques that are inspired by Hridaya Yoga and traditional yoga in India. Our teachings have been established by authentic masters and lineages, including that of Ramana Maharishi, Kashmir Shaivism, Buddhism, and even Sufism,” says a spokesperson for Satya Loka. These influences and inspirations have helped participants connect with their inner consciousness to find more contentment and peace. It is ideal for people who find meditation an uncomfortable experience when they find they cannot bring their mind to a state of awareness. “Participants can meditate amidst the calm and the beauty of the mountains of Greece, Alps and Himalayas to experience stillness and inner peace.”. The School also offers women’s yoga retreats and Yoga teacher training in Greece.

While the retreats lasts for 3 -7days, people who have prior meditation experience can join for more advanced trainings that last two weeks..

To the uninitiated, Hridaya is a practice that centers in the spiritual heart – a gateway to the deepest aspect of our being.”The meditation retreats also include complimentary practices to help the mind and body adjust into the retreat. Teachers use Yoga, breathing techniques, movement sessions, hiking and nature walks, which all helps to free the body and mind so that participants may experience more stillness, becoming less distracted during meditation, so that even beginners can look forward to meditations. The sessions may also include devotional songs that help to awaken the center of the heart.

Ra Dasi is the lead teacher for Sharabh yoga and Satya Loka, and a Hridaya Yoga teacher with years of study and practice with various masters including her meditation teacher Sahanjananda, the founder of the Hridaya Yoga. Along with her husband Yorgos Mazarakis, who is a long time meditator, they serve the Bhairavanand Traditional Tantra lineage.” Adds he spokesperson.

About Satya Loka:

The Satya Loka School was founded in 2012 to help people develop spiritually and discover and manifest their purpose in life. The school conducts yoga teacher training in India, Greece, and Austria, and meditation retreats regularly.

For information about their yoga and meditation retreats in Greece, visit
