A special assembly was conducted in French in The Wisdom Tree School


A special assembly was conducted in French in The Wisdom Tree School
French is one of the most influential and important languages of the world. It is one of the top six international language for business after English and Mandarin Chinese. A special assembly was conducted in French by the students of Class VII in the premises of The Wisdom Tree School , Greater Noida on Thursday, 7th February, 2019. Students shared interesting facts about the French language and culture of France. Le Pensée du jour (Thought of the day), le mots de la semaine ( Word of the Week) Journaux nationaux (National news), Jounaux internationaux (International news) and Bonjour!mes amis (a French Song) were presented in French language too. This helped the students to connect to the cultural traditions that are widely followed in a foreign land. The event was a learning experience for all about the French culture. Principal of the school, Ms. Sunita A. Shahi appreciated and encouraged all the children for their wonderful performance.