Dumbexperts.com presents Pathway towards wealth Seminar events in Local Detroit Metro Area


A unique opportunity to those who choose to pursue time, lifestyle and financial freedom through one of the nation’s finest home-based business models/ What will kill your business dreams before they get stated.

Detroit, MI – Inexpensive and easy to begin, inexpensive and easy to maintain. Start your Business with less than $100 dollars.

Learn why hybrid marketing meets entrepreneurship is the best avenue of creating Outstanding Residual Earnings.

Learn why warped expectations will kill your dreams. It’s not going to be easy! Expect the ride to be rough and the journey to be purifying: Those in it for the long-haul stay the path and move closer to the goal— those who aren’t are filtered back to the cubicle of mediocrity and the pipe dreams of a mindless marketing gobble goop.

If you want a different type of life and looking to earn money working from home, you’re going to need a different type of strategy, one that goes beyond the mainstream boondoggle of jobs, stock market investing, 401(k)s, and soul-killing frugality, Real Estate investing jargon pitched by TV personalities that dazzle you with Beach scenes, exotic cars and huge mega mansions, If you want to waste time re-inventing the wheel trying to make your own way towards money and success, or American Idol is just more important to you than your own financial education. Chances are you will never acquire the wealth you want. Some of the topics to be discussed at the event will be, why most people fail at business ventures, why most businesses never get off the ground, and the vast majority of individuals go at it all wrong. What is the best affordable business model of not spending tens of thousands of dollars.

The first seminar event is scheduled Saturday February 9 at 12 noon to 2pm located at 5th Tavern 2262 S Telegraph Rd, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302

The 5th Tavern has been picked as a favorable spot to hold monthly seminar business events because of the central location it provides.

The second event is scheduled Saturday March 9 at 12 noon to 2pm located at 5th Tavern 2262 S Telegraph Rd, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302

The 5th Tavern has been picked as a favorable spot to hold monthly seminar business events because of the central location it provides.
