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31 January 2019 – Finance Resource provides intriguing info about how to manage money and do it properly. Very soon, everyone will realize that money is energy, it can be managed.

According to Freud, the spender you or the miser – it depends on what you had in your early childhood relationship with a pot. Our wallet is also affected by the environment in which we grow. I belong to the last generation that survived the Soviet childhood. The promises “to live within our means”, “we don’t draw money” and “we don’t have a printing press at home” – everything is from there. Another device that is extremely firmly seated in my subconscious – I often heard it from my mother – “there is no money now.” In childhood I did not need anything, but there was no financial stability. Knowing how to manage money, you can lay out a smooth road to a secure future.

First of all, in the science of money management, it is important to have the awareness and understanding that this is really necessary. Think about why only a few can boast that they know how to manage money? Despite the fact that many have higher financial education, and possession of the basics of building personal balance, most people do not know how to properly manage their finances. Quite the contrary – finances are managed by these people themselves, forcing people to fall into the abyss of consumer dependence and to waste every penny. And how does their future look like today? How much money will they have when they are older, and where will they get them from? But you don’t want to feel like a limp robot, which, like Pavlov’s dog, reacts with abundant salivation to the appearance of a certain amount of cash in your pocket. We are still people, and we differ from animals in the awareness of thinking.

So let’s try to take advantage of the nature given to us and direct our efforts towards consciously managing our money, starting right from today. So, the first step has been taken – it became clear that you need to manage money. At least not to allow money to govern us instead. The next and most important step is the acceptance of the statement that sound financial management pursues the goal of accumulating, and not wasting money.

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