New Australian survey shows top 2019 New Year’s Resolutions


A new Australian survey by The Australian Institute of Management (AIM), shows that the top 2019 New Year’s Resolutions are wanting to learn a new skill, get healthy and get a new job. With over 850 respondents, an overwhelmingly 84 per cent have planned New Year’s Resolutions for 2019 and the survey revealed the types of resolutions that are planned including career, lifestyle and education.

CEO of AIM, Ben Foote says: “I think the large percentage of people who have planned resolutions for 2019 shows that most of us want to start the new year on a positive note, to make improvements in our lives, and make a real difference in 2019.”

The survey showed that 57 per cent of responders said they completed over half of their resolutions in 2018, and only 7 per cent completed none of their resolutions.

“The data shows that most of us gave an admirable attempt at our resolutions last year and achieved the goals set out for 2018.”

Responders were asked to list their top three New Year’s resolutions for 2019:
• Learn a new skill – 67 per cent of responders.
• Get healthy and exercise more – 65 per cent of responders.
• Get a new job – 61 per cent of responders.

“By learning a new skill, many respondents indicated that they wanted to learn a new language, learn a new instrument, or to complete an MBA to further their business training,” said Mr Foote.

“As well as getting healthy and fit in the New Year, some respondents even wanted to run a marathon. It’s also worth noting that ‘Saving Money’ and ‘Travelling’ were also top picks by respondents.”

“New Year’s Resolutions are all about looking forward into the year and setting yourself a goal, whether it be in fitness, personal finance or for your career. In 2019 I want to do a Directors Course, travel to three new countries and run my fourth marathon.”

AIM’s new campaign for 2019, ‘This Year I Will’, encourages Australians at all stages of their career to become leaders in their businesses and industries.

“The ‘This Year I Will’ campaign is all about encouraging people to set goals for the year and to put steps in place to achieve those goals,” said Mr Foote.

Ready to kick-start your New Year with AIM? To help you succeed in 2019, we are offering you the chance to win and achieve three of the most popular resolutions with an incredible prize valued at $5,995. Enter here: