The New Year Training Plan To Get Into Shape


Alchemy Personal Training
2A Hawthorn Walk
Opening Hours: 6AM to 9PM (7 days a week)

Tel: 01625 531 923
Mob: 07855 367139

Start the New Year with a firm resolution to focus on overall health and fitness. Exercise always tops the list of New Year resolutions, it is also the one resolution people find the hardest to keep. Sticking to an exercise plan is not easy, it comes with many challenges particularly when the desired result is not achieved quickly. It is good to remember that getting into shape does not happen overnight, but it can happen with dedication to a training plan and a personal trainer in Manchester.

People use any excuse to slack off on exercise, but if they have a personal trainer in Manchester they will learn to be accountable for their actions. “If you want to make 2019 the year of fitness, it must start now”, says Rufus Bradshaw, Master Trainer from Alchemy Personal Training.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to exercise is trying to take on too much. There are no quick fixes, there are only fitness plans that require commitment that produce long-term results. Set manageable goals and each time a goal is met, it becomes easier to move onto the next stage. “Take breaks in-between and focus on a day at a time”, continues Mr. Bradshaw.

A personal trainer in Manchester will develop an individualized exercise plan to help exercisers get into shape. By the end of 2019, they will begin to see the desired results. It will be one resolution that they can cross off the list, and make room for a new one next year.
Book for a free fitness assessment at Alchemy Personal Training to discuss the best exercise plan for the New Year.
About Us

Alchemy Personal Training is based in Manchester and is a cutting edge personal training studio. With state of the art resistance machines and the best equipment, we offer everything you need to enjoy the best workout possible. The studio comprises of a separate yoga room and therapy room, along with fresh, filtered water, towels and ample free parking. We also have changing rooms and private showering facilities. You can enjoy a versatile workout using the highest standard of equipment and our experienced personal trainers. For more information, visit our website on