Can Virtual Hiring Events Really Disrupt Global Recruitment?


Over the years, career fairs – regardless of their location or industry – have been the preferred mode of physically connecting job seekers and recruiters, in large numbers and under one roof. The obvious deficiencies of such a gathering have largely been ignored for a long time: Recruiters, often under-staffed, end up collecting as many resumes as they can instead of sizing up their adequacy; and job seekers, who attend such job fairs in large numbers, end up disappointed with the lack of quality face-time, and experience the familiar sensation that their resume will end up being buried under mountains of competition.

ABC’s of a Virtual Hiring Event
But, in recent years, the increasing reliance on technology for powering recruiter-job seeker interactions has led to the introduction of a concept called the virtual hiring event, a text-based online experience where recruiters and job seekers are allocated chat rooms (more popularly referred to as “booths”) for undertaking brief introductions, exchanging information on job openings and, sometimes, conducting preliminary interviews.

A virtual career fair, such as the one hosted by TrustLogics, lasts for a particular period of time, usually for 2-3 hours on a particular day, and provides a job seeker the option to upload her resume or browse various company booths in search of a suitable job opening.

Register For TrustLogics Virtual Hiring Events Here –

Beneficial For All
The primary advantage of a virtual job fair is that it facilitates meaningful human engagement efficiently. Recruiters can choose to invite talented individuals who’ve caught their eye, entertain a more free-for-all approach to achieve face-time with external or diverse candidates, or even advertise the online job fair on social media to raise awareness far and wide. Since this is a virtual job search, recruiters can easily juggle conversations with multiple candidates simultaneously.

Job seekers can also actively seek out virtual job opportunities due to the convenience provided. All they have to do is register for a virtual hiring event, login at the specified time on the specified date, and use their phone or computer to interact with a recruiter – all from the warm comfort of their homes.

An online career fair is also far more advantageous for job seekers since the chance to interact with a recruiter from a company, for a set period of time, so early in the process is practically unheard-of. Generally, once they apply, they have no clue when they might get a response, but a personal interaction leads to greater clarity about her suitability for a job.

At certain gatherings like the TrustLogics Virtual Hiring Event, recruitment managers and, even, potential co-workers have been known to pop in to help with difficult-to-fill positions, or to elicit a more active participation from shortlisted candidates. Virtual recruiter-job seeker interactions also provide additional advantages like providing access to diverse talent outside of referral networks; limit or eliminate the bias activated by physical appearances; and far less expensive to organize compared to a physical job fair. All of these reasons combined point to the conclusion that virtual hiring events are here to stay, and are likely to play a big role in the future of recruitment.

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