Enter in the business industry as Bulk SMS Reseller


The word reseller stands for a person or a company that buys a product or a service from a manufacturer or a distributor and sales the same with a profit margin in the market to the end user. The concept of reseller is to sale the same product which he has bought from the manufacturer at a higher price than the cost price of the product. The most interesting concept of a reseller option is that there is no need for high investment. Anyone can become a reseller with a small amount of investment.

Bulk SMS is a service that is provided by the gateway operators to the marketers of the companies to make a communication channel of Application to person. In simple terms, the marketers are enabled with a service of sending more than 1000 of messages within a second. These messages are sent to the potential customers of the company with a motive of letting them aware of the offers and transactions of the company. The software for this application to person communication along with a large number of messages to be sent is provided to the marketers and enterprises is offered by bulk SMS service providers.

A Bulk SMS Reseller is a person or a company who buys the SMS credits in bulk from the providers and then sells the messages in smaller batches to the customers. There are many Bulk SMS providers who have designed a concept of reseller solution that enables the clients to start their business as a reseller and sell the SMS messages to individuals and enterprises at the desired costs.

Requirements for being a Bulk SMS Reseller:

1.Having a connection with a good service provider
2.A little amount of money to invest
3.Basic computer knowledge
4.Good audience reach

Benefits of becoming a Bulk SMS Reseller:

1. Being Reseller is a quick and easy way to start the business or expand the business beyond territories.

2. It helps to attract customers from worldwide without investing

3. It is a cost-effective option that hikes the customer base of the company and increases the growth rate of the company

4. It is one of the low investment high-profit business that can help you gain a high position and a good profit sharing ratio in the market in a very less time

5. No need of technical knowledge as the support is provided by the gateway provider

6. Having an option of creating sub resellers benefits you from gaining a high market ratio as customer base and without investing in promotion

Type of reselling

Affiliate: In the Affiliate concept of bulk SMS reselling, a person can sell the bulk SMS messages but have to share the same user ID. It is very cost effective as this charges a very less amount of investment. As the messages sent are with the same user ID that is of the provider.

Dual Brand: In the concept of Dual brand, the reseller is able to send the messages with different user ID but have to share the same URL. The URL that is used in this type of reselling is the same as that of the provider but the reseller will have the same ID to create a different image of the brand in the customer’s mind. A different page is created for the updation of the customers. Reports are also provided. The reseller is benefited in this type for creating customer’s account on own. The reseller can earn commission on every sale made.

White label: In the concept of White label, the resellers have a different user ID and different URL to send the messages. This benefits the reseller to create own brand image in customer’s mind. This concept lets the seller access the bulk SMS from anywhere in the world. The customer activities are easily monitored. The creation tool in the White label package helps the reseller to provide user ID to the customers, master the Account & live Report Package to know the activities.