Boulder Bridge House: They say homeless, not hopeless


For Immediate Release:

January, 2019: Bridge House’s Ready to Work program has been helping the homeless help themselves for three years and there’s no sign of slowing down in 2019.

The Ready to Work program in Boulder, Colorado is a Boulder Bridge House program that began operating in 2015 and has proven the effectiveness to their approach each and every day, month, and year it’s been operating. Hopeful residents must be wholeheartedly looking for a pathway out of homelessness and want to achieve full-time employment within 9 to 12 months of being accepted into the Ready to Work program. There are no exceptions to this, determination is something looked for and encouraged in the Ready to Work program. Staff wants residents to succeed and all that’s required is that each resident take that walf step-by-step with those assistaing them through this transition. Ultimately, each resident is actually helping themselves and seeing that it’s possible to do what they previously gave much hope to ever being able to achieve.

Transitional housing and employment services are the machine in the Ready to Work program that assists each resident in rebuilding their lives as Case Managers and Bridge House staff lay the framework for each individual resident plan. Learning about communities and social responsibility is developed with the understanding of what a person hs to do in order to function in their community. All residents are required to work which starts early as volunteer work and eventually moves into paid job positions.

Ready to Work assists each resident in building a “rental history” so that upon leaving every resident graduating the Ready to Work program has a full-year of rental history behind them which prepates them when they are finally transitioning to their new home. Not having “rental history” is one of the fastest ways to demoralize someone working hard to do their very best to make themselves a productive member of their community or home. If you aren’t able to rent an apartment then someone that has been self-destructive can easily undo every positive change they’ve made and end up putting themselves in a more difficult position than they were in prior to getting help. Vocational training and support services to individuals re-entering the workforce is a critical part of this transition taking place and staying in place going forward. This is one of several strategies that the Ready to Work program has as a core part of it’s program that makes it unique among so many other facilities, organizations, and programs for the homeless that operate today.

About the Website:

The Bridge House Ready to Work program provides assistance for the homeless or those at risk of becoming homeless. For more information visit where a current phone number and other contact information for the Ready to Work program can be found up-to-date.

Contact Details:

Author Name: JBoulder

Business/Company Name: Ready to Work

Local Address: 4747 Table Mesa Dr, Boulder, CO 80305

Phone Number: (720) 356-2773
