Premier Polygraph Services – Iain McKenna – Fake


After being exposed as a fake Iain McKenna has dropped his original company name UK Polygraph and re-branded to Premier Polygraph Services to hide this fact from consumers.

Iain McKenna is claiming to be an examiner when he is not a member of any recognized body such as the American Polygraph Association APA who regulate the industry, he was denied membership which says it all. He did attend a 10 week basic course in 2018 but hasn’t any experience or qualifications bar a certificate to say he attended a basic course.

All of the qualified UK examiners can be found on the APA website and the British and European Polygraph Association or the British Polygraph Association. Until recently, he was using both Associations logos on his website, legal action forced him to remove them as he wasn’t a member..

A surgical instrument in the hands of an incompetent person with a superficial knowledge of anatomy will cause disaster when operating on someone. So can the polygraph in the hands of an incompetent practitioner. Unfortunately, there are some who had ventured into this field with little knowledge and training. Expect trouble and labour related problems from these quarters. These people also account for much of the criticism, misrepresentations and derogatory impressions of the critics of the polygraph. Nothing can replace experience, maturity, level of training and expertise of the polygraph examiner, therefore selection of the correct examiner is of utmost importance. It is therefore vital that if you decide to use a polygraph expert that you ensure they are qualified and experienced. To do this make sure they are a member of either the or who both publish members on the website. Here you can be assured the examiner is qualified and experienced and is regulated by a trade organization.

Media Contact:
Christine Rangois
Polygraph Association
Phone no: 0800 368 8277