Harmony – A Personalized Gift that Sings for You


Desires never end! While selecting a product, buyer looks for something which could do everything. It must have all the imaginable features which the product can possibly have. This demand for multitasking has created a market for products which deliver more than one or even two features. And in a gift which is so closely knitted with human emotions, this demand of performing everything is even more. Sensing this, Zocivoci has come up with a new product called Harmony, a device which performs every feature which one desires when looking to buy personalized gifts online.

A utility product is something which remains with the recipient for long time and would remind him/her of the giver’s affection. A customized gift brings that unique touch to the present. But how useful could something personalized be? ZV has pulled these limits with the design of Harmony. It is a single device which works as a photo frame, a personalized lamp, a beautiful clock and a phone charger. And on top of all this, Harmony is the first personalized gift which sings for you. Not only can it display two of your favorite memories with light inside, but can also play songs out loud. Following are the features of this new design:

1) Bluetooth controlled speaker
This is the first and prime feature of Harmony. The top face of design has a speaker on it. It can be paired with a phone’s Bluetooth. One can play his favorite songs even from a distance of 10 m with this device. The wireless connection makes the device remotely playable and gives the mobile feel one desires today.

2) Insert able prints
Harmony is the first photo lamp which has changeable prints. One can insert his/her pictures as easy as in a photo frame. The photos can be printed on Translit sheet which is readily available at any digital printing shop. This makes the personalized lamp editable. This is a very important feature in a long run. For example, one can get his wedding pictures printed for now if it is a personalized anniversary gift. But they can replace them with some travel photos later after years. So the memories can be updated as per wish. This is not available in any other customized lamp.

3) Phone charging facility:
Though it is not a very significant feature, it is highly useful. Harmony comes with a 5 V, 2.0 A USB slot, which makes it very handy when one does not have a charger around and needs fast juice to the phone. Also it removes the clutter off the table and promises Harmony to be the only thing needed on a side table or desk.

4) Clock:
Though this is not basically a photo clock, it has a prominent feature in form of a backlit roman dial clock. With the pictures on sides, it looks beautiful. Moreover it has glow in dark hands, which makes them visible even midnight, when you don’t want to switch the light on.

All the features it provides are available otherwise in independent products. But Harmony is a beautiful integration of all this, making it a complete desk solution. It is a photo lamp, a personalized gift which sings, a phone charger and a designer clock as well. With Valentine’s Day coming next month, this is a product one can check out, while buying personalized gifts online. It is a great Valentine’s gift for men who love electronics and for those girls who expect everything from one, Harmony it can be a great 14th February gift.