CEEAMATECH-2019 Mega event For Electrical engineering. Exhibition kick starts from 8th February


Organized by Consulting Electrical Engineers Association Of Maharashtra. (CEEAMA)
Event managed by: FAIRACT

• CEEAMATECH-2019 will be held at Auto Cluster, Chinchwad, from 8th to 10th February 2019 between 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM.
• Mega event for electrical engineering fraternity
• Creating pool between consulting electrical engineers, Contractors, suppliers, product manufactures
• Manifesto for devolvement of Statutory procedures to ensure Electrical safety.
• Engineering students contribution in event for encouraging them to become future entrepreneur

CEEAMA was formed in 2004 with an aim to create a platform for consulting electrical engineers fraternity. Consulting Electrical Engineers Association of Maharashtra (CEEAMA) is registered under companies Act 1956, under section 25 as amended.

Current focus areas decided by CEEAMA are:
1. Electrical Safety
2. Energy Conservation
3. Solar Power

CEEAMA conducts training programs for members and other electrical engineers to educate them in said areas in the form of workshops, factory visits and discussions related to case studies. This helps in lifting benchmark of engineering knowledge within CEEAMA associates. Members work in different areas of electrical consultancy & engineering and share their experiences and newly gathered knowledge.

CEEAMA website www.ceeama.org is geared to cater to new generation of electrical engineers by sharing the knowledge DIGITALLY.

CEEAMATECH is series of technical events arranged by CEEAMA every year. CEEAMATECH 2019 is 8th in this series.
Honorary president of CEEAMA Mr. Anil Bhandari said, “After the mega success of CEEAMA TECH 2017, we are happy to announce CEEAMATECH 2019 which starts from 8th February 2019. We are conducting this biyearly exhibition in Pune for the benefit of electrical engineering fraternity spread in Maharashtra away from Mumbai. Our purpose is to bring all consulting electrical engineering professionals on one platform. CEEAMATECH 2019 venue is Auto Cluster, Chinchwad, Pune situated in the middle of Industrial hub. Exhibition is opportunity for manufacturers to showcase their products, display new technologies. This will provide unique opportunity to electrical engineers to know details on range of products available, and opportunity to witness new state of the art technologies.”
“Various technical presentations and panel discussions for all three days will be excellent opportunity for young Electrical Consultants & engineers to learn about electrical safety, electrical accidents – reasons for accidents, statutory regulations for electrical safety. These programs will also highlight ongoing CEEAMA efforts and follow up with government authorities related to electrical system stability, creating chartered electrical engineers to help Industry and government authorities implementing electrical safety” He added.

Some of the reputed companies participating in CEEAMATECH-2019 are as follows:
• ABB India Ltd,
• Polycab Wires Private Limited
• R R Kabel
• Sterling & Wilson
• C&S Electric Ltd
• Consul Neowatt
• Delta India Electronics Pvt Ltd
• Jindal Rectifiers
• LAPP India Pvt Ltd
• Success Engineers

About CEEAMATECH-2019:-
CEEAMATECH-2019 -7th Exhibition & Conference on Electrical Industry being organized by CEEAMA will be held at Auto Cluster at Chinchwad, Pune on 8th, 9th & 10th February, 2019. After grand success of CEEAMATECH 2017, this is a mega event & exhibition for all electrical engineers and those associated with electrical engineering. Here vendors will show case their products, technologies and capabilities for Electrical Consultants -who are product specifiers, Electrical Contractors who install & commission various electrical equipments. The products and services showcased will be “Consultant’s Choice” and will be in line with standard engineering practices, IE Rules and set guidelines which are expected to be followed by ultimate users / trade representatives.