Best Casting Director Award means a lot – Dinesh Sudarshan Soi


After name in India Book Of Records for Maximum Castings in the world by any Casting Director, Dinesh Sudarshan Soi is back in news for getting Best Casting Director Award at Perfect Achievers Awards 2018. But along with this, he is equally excited for getting trophy from IMDb Founder/CEO Mr. Col Needham. He is one among the Top Contributors of IMDb and first & the only Casting Director to get this as on Dec 11, 2018. Having done casting for more than 4500 projects, he is now all set to rock in Hollywood …

Born on May 17, 1984 at a small town Kalanaur in district Gurdaspur of Punjab to a Punjabi Hindu Kshatriya family, he had his upbringings in Mohali, Punjab and his journey to Mumbai happened incidentally. Academically ACCA (I), M.Com, MBA and once been a professor by profession at his own Institute, Dinesh Sudarshan Soi has now his Casting firm with the name ‘DS Creations’ run by him and his wife Mrs. Sonia Malhotra Soi.
With three entries ‘The Tape’, ‘The Battle Of Kohima’ and ‘Sea and the City’ in American Film Market held on 31st October 2018 in California U.S.A, Dinesh had already indicated that he has gone global.