Understanding the Message Delivery using SMPP Server


As SMPP is a shortening for short message peer to peer, it is used as a protocol to enable an application to person interface. The SMPP Server also considered as SMS Central is utilized in implementing the high aggregation two-way SMS messaging. It is done using a common protocol for SMS messaging. There is a need of an SMPP client that must be running on the system from where the messages are intended to send. The need for this SMPP client is to connect to the SMS Central SMPP Server. SMPP is an open protocol that was developed by SMPP forum. Different users explain the SMPP server differently. Some of the users often confuse SMPP server as SMPP client. It is very important to understand the concept of the SMPP server before implementing it in your software or application.

Every industry is developing and there is a need for development in the bulk SMS industry too. The most benefited group for this development was of SMPP aggregators. The companies providing a service of bulk SMS messages and sending the messages to anyone according to the need are considered as bulk SMS providers. The concept of providing the service of sending messages is considered as SMPP client service. Now the development in the field of bulk SMS has made the aggregators to provide a panel of bulk SMS to the companies or people. This is the panel where the people or companies can use the service of bulk SMS by purchasing the messages in bulk from the aggregators and then reselling the messages in smaller patches to enterprises or marketers to send the messages as per the need. To let the resellers sell the bulk SMS messages, the platform is provided them by the aggregators with every technical support. This platform is considered as SMPP Server.

The concept of the SMPP server and SMPP client is very different from each other. In SMPP client, the providers only offer a platform to the companies from where they can send messages in bulk to the customers. There is no configuration, technical details, or operator connection knowledge is required to the person using SMPP client. All the technical help is provided by the provider. In the SMPP server, a concept is offered or it can be considered as a platform that is offered to the people or enterprises willing to become a reseller of the messages. They purchase the messages from the aggregator in bulk and resell the messages in small groups at the desired cost. A platform that is allowing the reseller to sell the messages is what considered as the concept of the SMPP Server Provider. The resellers have the advantage to create their own users and manage them with SMPP control panel provided by aggregators.

With the help of the SMPP server, resellers are benefited with the following:

1. Secure connectivity to SMSC infrastructure of the aggregator
2. A Web interface to send SMS
3. A Desktop Application
4. Admin interface to add/remove/alter users and their data