Dubai Quality Group announced the Eng. Hassan Omar, the elected chairman for 2019-2021


Dubai Quality Group announced the Eng. Hassan Omar, the elected chairman for 2019-2021
DQG concluded the Annual General Meeting & the election process for the new Board of Directors
Building on its impressive momentum, Dubai Quality Group aims for an innovative & fruitful year ahead as they announce the achievements of 2018
Dubai 21st January 2019, UAE: Dubai Quality Group (DQG) concluded the Annual General Meeting by holding the Board of Directors (BOD) Election for the period 2019-2021, announcing Eng. Hassan Omar the newly elected chairman. DQG’s financial results for the year 2018 were presented by Mr. Unnikrishnan the financial director of the group to the DQG’s members for their review.
Dubai Quality Group, a self-financing, non-profit organization, set up by the Dubai Department of Economic Development under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, concluded the financial year 2018 by not only achieving remarkable results but also by setting up new benchmarks in innovation and creativity for the upcoming years.

In line with the Dubai government’s vision 2021, transform the emirate into a global center for innovation, the previous BOD headed by Ms. Fatma Buti Al Mheiri had re-worked the strategy of the group to “Innovate to Lead.” to align with the needs of the business community, take a pragmatic approach to foster a culture of innovation and enhance the competitiveness of the business community. A plethora of conferences, case study presentations and award ceremonies that took place in 2018 are a testimony to the Group’s dedication toward the government’s vision, which resulted in launching the UAE innovation Award the latest initiative by Dubai Quality Group.

The Group’s new target is to integrate “learning” as the key focus within the organization and employ innovation in achieving development and progress in the community.

Despite the challenges the market conditions imposed on the group, DQG has invested in an enhanced technology platform to enrich the experience for members and facilitate the group services with advanced technology by developing DQG’s website and introducing a smart application…The UAE Innovation Award Woman Award, Ideas Arabia, Global Continual Improvement & Innovation Symposium & Competition, UAE Ideas Conference & Award are to name a few of the coveted events held in 2018 were honored 60 entities from the government & private sector. Additionally, DQG organized more than 24th certified training from EFQM, in collaboration with international entities in the region to promoting Quality and Business Excellence practices in UAE and region.

Fatma Buti Al Mheiri, former Chairman, Dubai Quality Group (2016-2018) said, “On my behalf and the Board of Directors, pleased to thank the distinguished members of DQG for their support, commitment and entrusting the group under our leadership three years back… After this joyful journey, we are honored to hand over the baton to the new BOD to take things forward…

She added “the achievements occurred over the past three years are indicative of the dedication of the BOD and the DOG’s team, despite the challenges of the market conditions…, we had re-worked the strategy of the group to align it with the UAE’s Innovation strategy and needs of the business community”

Eng. Hassan Omar, the elected chairman of Dubai quality Group, expressed his vision saying “I am thankful to DQG’s members for entrusting me with the new responsibility… Innovation is the key to a prosperous and profitable organization, and if we do not experiment and adopt new methods, we deprive ourselves of progress…hence, in the coming three years we will implement new effective projects and remain committed to being a center of knowledge sharing for all topics relating to Quality and Business Excellence…will work on engaging the young Engineers and Professionals in the Quality field, also, will enhance the role of women professionals, along with engaging the Global Quality Associations in Value Added partnerships, engagement of the Sub Groups in forming industrial clusters, Promotion of innovation platforms and partnerships…”
After a fair electoral, DQG announced the new board of directors for the year 2019-21 which are as follows:
Chairman: Eng. Hassan Omar (Chief Operating Officer- DUCAB)
Vice Chairman: Hazza Khalfan Alneaimi (The General Secretariat of the Executive Council of Dubai Government)
Secretary-General: S. Unnikrishnan – (Partner, Audit & Advisory)
Director of Finance: Meshal Ali Alnaqbi – (Deputy CFO)
Board Members: Amer Bin Ahmed, Christian Witsch, Sunil Thawani.