Customers Are Shying Away from High Interest Payday Loans and Turning to Auto Title Loans


Many car owners who look for fast cash are quick to discover that most title loan companies only offer a single, high rate of interest to everyone; without regard to the vehicle. Now Bad Credit Loans Prince George can offer lower interest rate auto title loans Prince George on cars.

A sharp increase in personal indebtedness was the downside of last year’s financial scenario, and Canadians in substantial numbers were finally moving away from Payday loans to satisfy their credit needs from more reassuring sources. The remarkable shift from payday loans to auto title loans is reflected in the substantial growth in business notched up by Bad Credit Loans Prince George, a dominant force in the short term financial arena. They ruled the roost by positioning its immensely popular auto title loans Prince George firmly in the market to cater the growing demand for quick money that comes without hassles and minus all the headaches.

They offer a solution that is immensely attractive in comparison – money that is delivered equally fast but with interest rates that were quietly attractive and affordable and loans that could be repaid in the short term through convenient installments.