HELMET VISION – Standalone VR Headset


England company HELMET VISION Ltd will be showing off their All Windows 10 app compatible headset called ‘HELMET VISION’ at CES2019.

In 2018 the English VR company HELMET VISION Ltd announced a release of an standalone VR headseat with the built-in Full HD screen, the system of content rendering with transfer of the image through a panoramic lens.

A fundamental distinction from a commersially available VR glasses was that a picture doesn’t share on two separate ones, and the depth effect is achieved by the centralized focus, leaving behind and dithering the peripheral objects which are missed by the prime focus of a sight. Thus the parameters of screen resolution 1920х1200 specified in the characteristics aren’t split into two screens with twice smaller resolution that as a result releases from visibility of pixels.
The helmet has sensors of head movement on the basis of systems of a gyroscope and an accelerometer, in addition to a management of content it is presented a controller duplicating movements of the hand in space.

As for additional features it is worth noting a built-in system of a binaural sound, to the built-in 32 GB memory there is a possibility of expansion with flash drives through USB ports, operation on Windows 10 with a possibility of installation of emulators of other operating systems and programs and also a possibility of connection through WIFI network to a cloudy server for expansion of opportunities.