Daryl Guberman: ANAB & IAF are the Greatest Scam Against The American People of All Time


The situation with quality certification organizations like ANAB and the IAF are getting worse all the time when it comes to things like the security of American businesses and interests. Daryl Guberman of Guberman-PMC has made it his mission to stand against this drive. His latest YouTube video provides a blazing expose.

New York, NY, USA, January 21, 2019 — When it comes to the performance of American companies who they receive their quality certifications from or choose to consult about the subject is vitally important. When they are deceived into trusting organizations tied to anti-American nations, it borders on criminal. Guberman-PMC (http://dguberman.com) is exposing this issue for all to see, through a series of YouTube exposes put together by the deeply experienced, pro-American, quality expert Daryl Guberman. The most recently released, “#ANAB & IAF: The Greatest Scam Against The American People of All Time!” (https://youtu.be/J04AHDTAaKQ), maybe the hardest hitting yet.

“In 2016 Joe Bhatia, the person who runs ANSI, an American quality company with a hundred-year history, is on video talking about the dangers of using the China-ran IAF and other foreign entities who are anti-American in these kinds of roles,” remarked Guberman. “It didn’t take him long to flip on this position and jump in bed with the ANAB and IAF. So we are calling on those who love America to avoid ANSI, ANAB, and the IAF; instead making the choice to work with something like Guberman-PMC who are registrars who have an unquestioned and proven loyalty to the United States.”

Guberman describes the foundation of Guberman-PMC as being built on his family’s three unbreakable principles of honor, integrity, and the truth – all things directly relevant to a company who is responsible for quality consultations and certifications. Guberman-PMC is able to cover a wide range of different ISO’s with a full list available on their company website.

Guberman-PMC feels so strongly about the issue they are very willing to make a presentation, complete with slide show evidence, at any interested company who would like to make sure they are not directly or indirectly supporting places like Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Russia, and most of all China, while opening themselves up to security risks of all kinds from the proven state sponsors of hacking teams and intellectual property thieves.

The good news is, according to Guberman, companies can still make a change and break ties with these anti-American and anti-Israel elements and show that they support America, the sacrifices of veterans, and the service being shown by men and women in the Armed Forces. Surely, this will make it much easier for decision makers to look at their own faces in the mirror in the morning with a sense of honor still intact.

For more information be sure to visit http://dguberman.com.

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