Four New Contracts Available for Trading on Elibank Vernon Commodities Trading Platform


The contracts have fully met the high standards set by the regulatory bodies.

Elibank Vernon, a broker and clearing company that provides a broad Commodity and Currency Trading facility to investors, traders and institutions, wishes to announces the introduction of four new futures contracts on its trading platform, subject to the completion of applicable regulatory processes.

Elibank Vernon will list the following contracts for trading. All four contracts will be cleared at Elibank Vernon’s Clearing Member Partner:
• Diesel vs Heating Oil 1st Line Future
• Propane – Other Non -TOT Future
• Propane -TOT vs Propane Future
• Propane vs Propane East Index Future

“We are honored to be chosen as a pricing option in the oil and natural gas liquids markets,” said Adrian Sumiko, Chief Investment Officer, in announcing the selection.

The contracts are made transparent on a daily basis via the Full-Day Refined Spots Report but can also be tracked through the trading day with the Spot Ticker, a real-time interactive price display. This pricing option will be instrumental for oil refiners, traders, wholesalers, and end-users who want to buy, sell, trade or hedge based off spot prices.

The addition of the new propane benchmarks into the international arena recognizes the global reach of the benchmark product and its relevance to global markets both in Asia and in Europe.

“The availability of these contracts now recognizes the importance of these products to the international propane market,” said Toh Chin Loong, Commodities Trading Director.

“Through a series of individual audits testing the price methodology, approach to market coverage, communications with customers, and price authentication process, the contracts have fully met the high standards set by the regulatory bodies,” continued Mr. Loong.

About Elibank Vernon
Elibank Vernon is a broker and clearing company that provides a broad Commodity and Currency Trading facility to investors, traders and institutions. Elibank Vernon provides a complete bouquet of client friendly services in the Commodity and Currency Futures and Options market. It is our endeavor to provide our clients with the most comprehensive commodity-trading platform available. The Company strives to deliver individual and institutional clients the best execution services in commodity and currency futures. The firm has started its successful operations via its proprietary trading platform with a satisfied clientele consisting of individuals and institutions from all over the world.