Annapurna awarded the NCDC Regional Award for Cooperative Excellence 2018


The State Level Selection Committee under the Chairmanship of Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Govt. of Maharashtra selected Annapurna Mahila Coop Credit Society Ltd, Warje, Pune for Cooperative Excellence Award – first prize in Women Cooperative category.

The award ceremony was held on 4th January 2019 at NCDC Pune premises and the award was presented to Annapurna by Mr.Satish Soni, the State Commissioner for Cooperation. The award comprised of a cheque for Rs.25,000, citation and a certificate. On this occasion Ms.Ujwala Waghole, Annapurna’s Microfinance Head spoke about the various initiatives taken up by Annapurna for women empowerment like loans, savings, insurance, pension and chain of day care centers for slum children during the last 25 years. She also drew attention to the fact that Annapurna has successfully inculcated financial discipline into its members and these poor women have never defaulted on loan repayments.

The award was accepted on behalf of Annapurna by Ms.Ujwala Waghole – MF Head, Ms.Sujata Bhat – Finance Manager, Ms.Varsha Gaikwad and Ms.Reshma Tamboli – both of whom are Community Representatives and successful micro entrepreneurs.