Unparalleled and Vibrant Role Played by Mr. Khaled In Al Badie Group



Abu Dhabi, Dubai (January 12, 2019) – The Al Badie Group has gained immense popularity in the business arena of Abu Dhabi. Without any doubt, there are contributions from many people for this growth achieved by the organization. Among those contributions, the efforts of Mr. Khaled, the present VP of the group is worth mentioning.

Mr. Khaled Al Badie started his career in the banking sector and financial investment sector. Yes, even though he is a member of the ABG family group, he started his career elsewhere. But he joined ABG at the early part of his career.

Now, he is in the managerial position of the Al Badie Group. But he has worked in different levels for the organization before he reached this position. Now, in addition to being the VP, he is also the CEO of the organization. Here are the other positions he holds with ABG and her sister concerns:

•    Managing Director of 4 sister concerns of ABG
•    Chairperson for different committees in ABG
•    Vice Chairman of the Insurance Company founded by ABG

About Mr. Khaled Al Badie:
Not just his experience, but also his education provided him the best foundation to serve for ABG and bring the organization to the top.

For more information, please visit https://plus.google.com/102205442637719616874

Media Contact:
Al Badie Group
Hamdan Street, Al Badie Tower, Level 2-3
P.O. Box 229, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971-2-6322344
Fax: +971-2-6345284
E-mail: info@albadie.com
Website: https://www.albadiegroup.com/