Portable Sand blasting machine useful for Industrial Sector


Portable Sandblaster for Sale in India at cheap prices
Sandblasting machine is used to smooth rough surfaces, remove rust or corrosion from metal surfaces, clean or shape a surface using abrasive material known as media which is propelled using high pressure typically through compressed air or a centrifugal wheel. There are many different types of sandblasting machines such as Portable Sandbaslter, Automatic Sand Blaster, Blast Cabinet, Tumblast and many more. Portable sandblaster for sale in India are available for cheap prices.
The market size of sandblasting machines is to hit USD 485 million, growing at 3.5% by 2022. A substantial surge due to increased use in industrial and domestic applications. Because of the increased expenditure in new technology by key market participants the market growth in the near future is likely to drive more and is expected to open new avenues of robotic sandblasting technology in the market. A worth of USD 390 million is projected during this time frame for sandblasting machines market and is expected for replacing manual labour to drive further growth by 2022.
A Portable Sandblaster is often used to by small and mid-sized industries such as Paint Shops, Auto Repair industry, Powder Coating Industry, Floor and Surface Cleaning Service Providers and many more.
There are various types of media that can be used in sandblaster depending on the requirement and the surface that has to be smoothen, roughen or cleaned such as Sand, Baking soda, Wood particles, glass beads, steel shots, steel grits, copper slag and many other.

Manufacturer of Portable Sandblaster for sale in India for just Rs. 24,000
Manufacturing a portable sandblaster for sale in India is a not a complex process but it needs experience and knowledge of various abrasive materials and their application for cleaning different surfaces. We manufacture Portable sandblaster for sale in India and overseas that is extremely affordable and highly reliable.

Keeping in mind the need of small and mid-sized businesses that rely on sandblasting for cleaning and removing containments from various types of metal and concrete surfaces every day we have mastered the art of portable sand blaster manufacturing in India.

The cost of portable sandblaster for sale in India is Rs. 24,000 and it can be used for sandblasting purpose for cleaning large metal surfaces, steel structures, boiler, containers for sugar mill, rusted pipes, alloy wheels, old ships, concrete surfaces, floors and any other surface that needs to be cleaned, smoothen or roughen.

Features of our Portable Sandblaster

High Quality Blast Pot made with toughest steel sheet for longer life
Built for maximum efficiency under high work loads
Simple design and less joints for high durability
Continuous blast time of upto 40 – 45 minutes
Suitable for all types of abrasive materials such as Sand, Soda, Aluminium Oxide, Walnut Shells etc.
Blast Pot capacity upto 200 litres available