Mr. Khaled Al Badie Focuses on the Core Values of the Al Badie Group to Make Business Partnerships Stronger


Dubai, Abu Dhabi, (January 14, 2019) – The Al Badie Group of companies was established back in 1967, before even UAE was born. The organization has played a big part in ensuring the growth and development of the country through personal investments and more. Transparency, Teamwork, Risk Sharing and Profit Sharing with Partners has always been its core values, and its current CEO Mr. Al Badie focuses on the same to strike lasting business partnerships.

Mr. Khaled Al Badie has the same vision as his group, and manages the conglomerate with drive and passion but always staying true to its core values that have helped ABG earn solid goodwill over the years and become a leading name in diverse business fields in the country.

Today, ABG has over 1,000 employees in varied business sectors, such as IT, Oil & Gas, Marine, Auto Leasing & Rental, Hospitality, Defense Projects, Healthcare, Property Development, Travel and Tourism, Manufacturing, Water and Electricity, Insurance and more. This has been successful by striking strong and meaningful partnerships with hundreds of companies and developing a robust corporate community to achieve united and continued growth.

Mr. Al Badie believes that values combined with expertise and experience is sure to make ABG succeed in the coming years as well.

About Mr. Khaled Al Badie
Mr. Khalid Mohammed Juan rashed Al Badie has been with the Al Badie Group of Companies since 2006, and is now its CEO and VP. He also oversees many important responsibilities in many of the sister concerns of ABG.

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