ABG CEO Mr. Khaled Al Badie’s Personal Qualities for the Development of the Al Badie Group and UAE


Dubai, Abu Dhabi, (January 14, 2019) – Mr. Khaled Al Badie is the Vice President of ABG, and also Chief Executive Officer, who is known for his strong personal abilities and character. He believes in the ability of the private sector in developing UAE. His personal conduct is aligned with his financial vision and the visions of the leaders of the UAE, which helps achieve excellence in the development of the country and the group.

A very capable negotiator in the Al Badie Group, Badie defines his goals precisely and achieves his objectives with success through accurate estimations of the limits of business competitors and through being aware of his own weaknesses and strengths. He perpetually tries to satisfy the highest quality standards in service when it comes to business, and also acts as a guide for others in learning from his experiences in the developed markets.

He pays attention to the participation and liberty of women in developing the society of UAE, and is very keen to provide women with all the support that they need for participation in industrial and trading activities. For a long time, he has been an accomplished board member who constantly takes part in the meetings of board of directors’ in many companies, organizations and establishments at international as well as national levels.

About Mr. Khaled Al Badie
Mr. Khaled Mohammed Bin Juan Al Badie is the CEO of ABG, working with the group since 2006. He is the oldest son of Mr. Mohammed Jouan Al Badie, the Director of Al Ain Ahlia Insurance Company.

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