Watch the Super-sized Airplanes in ‘Extraordinary Flights’ Documentary on HISTORY TV18 This January


ndia, January 2019; Get set to hold your breath and skip your beat as HISTORY TV18 is airing the exclusive hour-long documentary ‘Extraordinary Flights’ that will show the monster aircraft’s doing never-before seen heavy duty tasks in the most unbelievable way.

If you thought that all the heavy transporting is done by roads, railways, marine then it’s time to get the insight of super-heavy transport that’s done by the especially designed extra-large cargo airplanes. From Dream liners to Beluga Whale, the viewer will get to see these extra-ordinarily marvelous ferry aircraft’s moving large plane parts from its production facilities to its assembly lines, and sometimes even the most incredible or unusual goods like animals. Each cargo is different, and thus, each flight is unique and incomparable. Such over sized parts would otherwise be difficult, if not impossible, to fit into typical transport aircraft.

The documentary ‘Extraordinary Flights’ that’s scheduled to be aired in January offers the viewers an opportunity to discover, the biggest, strongest and most atypical aircraft’s in the world, who with a technical and technological approach do the impossible in the most incredible way. How are these flights conducted, how the heavy stuff is loaded and then off-loaded, and sometimes in the extreme conditions and terrains, these are few of the interesting details that you will get to witness this January.

Tune-in to HISTORY TV18 this 2019 for ‘Extraordinary Flights’, on 11th January, Friday at 10 p.m.