How does Hygiene Monitoring System help to minimize the risk of infection and enhance overall health?


The word Hygiene is based on the Greek goddess Hygieia who was considered the personification of health, cleanliness, and hygiene. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Hygiene is defined as the conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.

In simplistic terms hygiene refers to practices that prevent spread of disease-causing organisms. All these practices are performed to preserve health often as good habits. Washing our hands before eating or preparing foods is one example of such a daily good habit.

Good personal hygiene is essential to promoting good health. Maintaining basic cleanliness standards helps us ward off illnesses. It makes us feel good about our self both physically as well as mentally. We must cover the mouth when coughing to reduce transmission of microorganisms.

When it comes to the masses, proper hygiene is even more important. In the manufacturing of food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other products, good hygiene is a critical component of quality assurance. They need to keep a keen eye on all the day to day activities as well monitor the cleanliness of equipments used. In order to avoid mishaps the supervisors need to monitor the personal hygiene of employees too.

Industrial hygiene monitoring is a process of evaluating and documenting employee potential exposures to biological, chemical and physical hazards. Monitoring can be qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative. Hygiene monitoring includes toxic substance monitoring and noise monitoring too.

Because of such requirements in these industries Hygiene monitoring systems have gained importance. Hygiene Monitoring System Industry is rapidly growing as they provide safe, quick and reliable analysis of the level of bio contamination in surfaces and water in real time.
Hygiene Monitoring System Market is diversified into different branches for Food & Beverages, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare. Hygiene Monitoring System market analysis shows considerable growth in the market size of Healthcare.
Here’s a quick look how Hygiene Monitoring Systems help to minimize the risk of infection and enhance overall health in all three branches…
1. Food & Beverages
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), poor personal hygiene of food handlers, along with improper temperature control, are the two most significant factors leading to food borne illness. To prevent them Hygiene Monitoring System has devices with simple-to-use features for guaranteed performance and reliability in any food or beverage environment.
2. Pharmaceutical
The risk of cross-contamination in a compounding pharmacy is serious. Ensuring the cleanliness of the environment is a critical part of quality assurance and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs). To ensure the cleanest possible environment Hygiene Monitoring System has devices that provide the most sensitive ATP cleaning verification. The detection of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal unit of energy in all living cells, immediately determines if surfaces and water sources are clean.

3. Healthcare
Patient health and satisfaction depends on the cleanliness of the healthcare environment. World Health Organization has laid down specific Hand Hygiene (HH) guidelines for general health-care settings. Utilizing advanced technologies, Hygiene Monitoring System has devices which can evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning materials and chemicals, measure the performance of environmental services staff, and ensure compliance with standardized cleaning protocols.

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