Spectro Labs Setting a Benchmark in Rubber Testing


Rubber undergoes a great deal of transformation as it transforms from being a raw botanical material into a highly useful industrial material. The contribution of world-class rubber testing labs like Spectro Labs is noteworthy in making raw rubber industry fit.

Spectro Analytical Labs Limited is a pioneer in the field of quality testing that has been serving the nation for the past 23 years. Since its inception in 1995, Spectro Group has come a long way in establishing its strong presence in this field. Today, it stands as a highly esteemed and revered name both by the Government of India and the company’s long list of clients.

Spectro labs boast of various quality certificates and accreditations which speak volumes of its credibility and top standards. This testing lab in delhi owns the prestigious NABL Accreditation from the Government of India, ISO certifications for Environmental management and quality management and OHSAS certification for occupational health and safety assessment.

Spectro Labs understands the importance of rubber in this highly technological era and the immense potential it holds. As possibilities increase, rubber requires testing in more advanced ways to ensure its quality performance. Spectro’s rubber testing lab can comprehensively test rubber whether it is used for tyres or surgical purposes, for food storage or in engineering and construction.

There are more than 500 highly skilled and experienced employees working at different testing facilities of Spectro Groups. The agency has the most advanced and high tech infrastructure to ensure top quality results for any kind of testing requirements. They cater to the quality testing needs of various industries like agriculture and food, engineering, automobile, construction, oil and gas, mining, manufacturing of various kinds and so on. They also are deeply involved in environmental testing and safety measures.

Spectro rubber testing labs subject rubber to quality and performance tests like burst test, heat resistance, flammability test, paint and gloss durability, rubber hardness test, pressure test, thermal conductivity, UV radiation, abrasion test, shear fatigue test, corrosion test and others. These tests are customised according to the parameters set for each industry.

With its unparalleled expertise and dedication, Spectro labs are setting high standards in rubber testing. Such agencies contribute significantly to the development of our nation.

Media Contact

Spectro Analytical Labs Limited


011-40522000 E-41,

Okhla Phase II,

Okhla Industrial Area

Rubber undergoes a great deal of transformation as it transforms from being a raw botanical material into a highly useful industrial material. The contribution of world-class rubber testing labs like Spectro Labs is noteworthy in making raw rubber industry fit.

Spectro Analytical Labs Limited is a pioneer in the field of quality testing that has been serving the nation for the past 23 years. Since its inception in 1995, Spectro Group has come a long way in establishing its strong presence in this field. Today, it stands as a highly esteemed and revered name both by the Government of India and the company’s long list of clients.

Spectro labs boast of various quality certificates and accreditations which speak volumes of its credibility and top standards. This testing lab in delhi owns the prestigious NABL Accreditation from the Government of India, ISO certifications for Environmental management and quality management and OHSAS certification for occupational health and safety assessment.

Spectro Labs understands the importance of rubber in this highly technological era and the immense potential it holds. As possibilities increase, rubber requires testing in more advanced ways to ensure its quality performance. Spectro’s rubber testing lab can comprehensively test rubber whether it is used for tyres or surgical purposes, for food storage or in engineering and construction.

There are more than 500 highly skilled and experienced employees working at different testing facilities of Spectro Groups. The agency has the most advanced and high tech infrastructure to ensure top quality results for any kind of testing requirements. They cater to the quality testing needs of various industries like agriculture and food, engineering, automobile, construction, oil and gas, mining, manufacturing of various kinds and so on. They also are deeply involved in environmental testing and safety measures.

Spectro rubber testing labs subject rubber to quality and performance tests like burst test, heat resistance, flammability test, paint and gloss durability, rubber hardness test, pressure test, thermal conductivity, UV radiation, abrasion test, shear fatigue test, corrosion test and others. These tests are customised according to the parameters set for each industry.

With its unparalleled expertise and dedication, Spectro labs are setting high standards in rubber testing. Such agencies contribute significantly to the development of our nation.

Media Contact

Spectro Analytical Labs Limited


011-40522000 E-41,

Okhla Phase II,

Okhla Industrial Area
