The Ear Depot Excelling in Providing Solutions to Hearing Problems


The Ear Depot has been offered solutions to hearing issues to the residents of Peterborough, Bancroft, and Barry’s Bay for over 35 years. With such a remarkable journey in this field, the popularity of The Ear Depot is not a thing to wonder about in Ontario. The hearing aid clinic has maintained the quality of their services since 1982 mostly because of the desire to help people and help them regain their hearing abilities.

Brenda Cowan started her career as a Hearing Instrument Practitioner and her dedication in this field led to the establishment of The Ear Depot. The process of working with hearing aid practitioners in this clinic starts with a conversation.

  • The experienced practitioners at The Ear Depot will first listen to what type of hearing problem the client is experiencing in their lifestyle.
  • Based on the conversations, these hearing aid practitioners will conduct some hearing tests to determine the extent and levels of hearing loss, and/or other hearing challenges
  • The hearing test results and lifestyle observations of the patient will finally show which hearing aid or other treatment will best suit them. The Ear Depot will advise the patient to purchasing the right hearing aids to suit the situation.

At The Ear Depot, the patients receive a comprehensive solution to their hearing issues that is focused on improving their hearing abilities. These hearing aid clinics in Ontario always recommend (if required) purchasing hearing aids from top brands like Unitron, Phonak, Starkey, and more. If anyone is unable to cover the costs of the hearing aids and tests, The Ear Depot helps them by informing them about different insurance programs supported by the country and more specifically province of Ontario.

The Ear Depot supports the following financial assistance programs in Canada and also accepts registered private insurances.

  • 0% Financing
  • Private Insurance Coverage
  • WSIB or Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
  • Veterans Affairs Canada
  • First Nations and Inuit
  • Ontario Disability Program

Other than hearing loss problems, The Ear Depot also provides tinnitus solutions and does earwax removal. The tinnitus therapies that the hearing aid clinic mostly follows include Habituation, Masking, Neuromodulation, and Distraction. Accumulation of earwax is common when the patient is regularly using hearing aids. The ear wax needs to be cleaned professionally to prevent any impairment.

For information about the services of The Ear Depot, please visit

About The Ear Depot
The Ear Depot has over three decades of experience in providing effective solutions for a multitude of different hearing impairments and challenges. The hearing aid clinic supports different financial assistance programs and also provides solutions to Tinnitus problems. Earwax removal is another service that The Ear Depot offers.

Contact Us:
236 Parkhill Rd. E.
Ontario K9H 1R2

Phone number: 1(705) 749-0707
Fax number: 1(705) 749 2626