Guaranteed Results In The New Year – Personal Training From Alchemy


Alchemy Personal Training
2A Hawthorn Walk
Opening Hours: 6AM to 9PM (7 days a week)

Tel: 01625 531 923
Mob: 07855 367139

It is time to make those New Year resolutions. And most often, weight loss and body fitness are on people’s list of resolutions. But what happens after making the resolutions? It is a small percentage that sticks with it until the end of the year. Rufus Bradshaw, the Director of Alchemy Personal Training understands the challenges of maintaining a new fitness plan once the excitement has worn out. With this in mind, he offers personal trainers in Wilmslow to create a workout plan and stick to it until desired results are achieved.

As much as many people make New Year resolutions, sticking to them is often difficult. Family, relationships and work can get in the way. People become sidetracked however strong and good their intentions are. Investing in a personal trainer in Wilmslow will maximise the opportunity to achieve fitness success.

Alchemy Personal Training guarantees positive results for their exercisers. This is a good place to start off at. For anyone who has exercised in the past, exercising alone can make someone complacent. It is the same routine a few days of the week and can get a little stale after a while.

A personal trainer in Wilmslow will develop a plan that guarantees fitness results. “They will make certain you are being effective and efficient in your fitness path, incorporating new routines and meeting new challenges to push the bar higher as you go, says Rufus Bradshaw.
He further notes, “When working out with a personal trainer, much is done, and so much is achieved. Staying healthy is not always enticing, however, training at Alchemy will give you an incredible workout feeling with the desired results”.
About Us

Alchemy Personal Training is based in Wilmslow and is a cutting edge personal training studio. With state of the art resistance machines and the best equipment, we offer everything you need to enjoy the best workout possible. The studio comprises of a separate yoga room and therapy room, along with fresh, filtered water, towels and ample free parking. We also have changing rooms and private showering facilities. You can enjoy a versatile workout using the highest standard of equipment and our experienced personal trainers. For more information, visit our website on