STATUS.ONLINE: The Fun Network thats Changing Social Networking. One status at a Time


Do you remember how the web used to work? How the web was supposed to work? STATUS.ONLINE: The fun network that’s changing social networking. One status at a time

Stanmore, Harrow, United Kingdom., January 07, 2019 — Launched in January 2019 ( is a social networking microblogging service that allows you to answer the question, “What is your status?” by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called “status updates”, to your friends, or “followers.” is the brain-child of project director, (hobbyist designer and blogger) and grateful dad, Dean Jones. Jones grew up in London, Islington, and attended St Martins College of Art and Design in 1996. He left in late 2001 and became a Design Lecturer and then eventually a Project Manager and from 2017 to 2018 led on the setup and delivery of a major change programme for the House of Commons and House of Lords, (UK Parliament).  

Jones said, “ was inspired by my kids and is not an alternative silo: instead, it’s what you build when you believe that the web itself is the great social network.” 

Status updates are displayed on your profile page, on the home page of each follower, and in the public timeline.

With a creative design and built with a mobile-first approach, it’s a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what you’re up to.

Status updates are restricted to 140 characters and users can upload photos, videos and music up-to 50MB in size and embed a variety of other media. 

Jones, plans include expansion of the service to include multiple network offerings enabling microbloggers to interact with other communities.

Find a bunch of things you love. And then find or invite people to follow. That’s all you need to do to see and talk about what’s happening. Congratulations! You’ve just mastered (

Jones said, ”We do not throttle or manipulate our users’ streams. We respect our your privacy, and we listen to and trust our users,”’s manifesto is to promote freedom of expression and internet freedom and respect one’s right to remain anonymous.

Launched in Jan 2018, is the best place for people everywhere to let their hair down, have some fun and share the things they love. is for anyone who respects, enjoys, is entertained by, or participates in online social networking and is available on the web and via mobile web.

Dean Jones
35 Cantley Road
Great Denham, Bedford
Bedfordshire, MK40 4SA
+44(0)7939 024086