What is a Press Release? “press release + submit”


What is a Press Release? “press release + submit”

A press release is a written document prepared for the media – also called the press – that announces something newsworthy.


A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy.

What a Press Release Looks Like

1. Make your headline irresistible.

2. Convey the news’s value to the press.

3. Offer a tempting quotable.

4. Provide valuable background information on the subject.

5. Summarize the “who” and the “what” in a boilerplate.

Types of Press Releases

· New product launches

· Mergers and acquisitions

· Updates to existing products

· Hosting or attending an event

· Opening a new office

· Introducing a new partnership

· Rebranding

· Promoting/hiring a new executive

· Receiving an award

Free Press Release Accepted Here:

  1. Free Press Release and Guest Post
  2. Global News Wire – Latest Business and Upcoming Business News
  3. Press Release Live – Free Press Release submission site
  4. Webnewswire
  5. Press releases – prsync.com
  6. A Platform to Share and Present Your Innovation – weSRCH
  7. Home – Online PR Media