If yor Desire to Live Easy So Choose Rashi Ratan Stone by Ratnaas


There are many brands or stores where you can get them but the one on which you can completely rely is RATNAS. Quality and assurance are the two things that you would see in each of their stone. Satisfaction is the other important aspect in RATNAAS which is their highest priority. They understand that these stones are the glimmer of hope for someone who is facing problems in his life which is why they always ensure that they can help them in the best way possible.

It is an expensive brand , the reason for that is their rare availability also there are many people who Harness the power of this Ratna as one should have a proper knowledge about them and they also know that not everyone holds a commanding knowledge about these Ratnaas. This is why they assure to deliver the genuine and rare calibrated gemstones to their customers.

Various stones available here are:


This crystal has many magical powers within it and awakens the wearer from within. This stone has a lot of positivity and hence cannot be used for the wrongdoings. You can find this stone in Labrador in Canada.


This is a new addition in the market of gems. It has many colors like blue, green, purple and Shimmer. This is now being widely used in the entire gemological jewelry making and has a very higher demand than the supply.


Lolite is also known as Sapphire and denoted it as the blue gem. It has many great medicinal qualities which can ail your throat and may also help in opening up the third eye with you and realign the crown chakra.

Himalayan Quartz:

It is also known as ice quartz as most of the parts show ice pieces. It has a spiritual awakening and makes the chakras work on an upper level.

Media Contacts:

Website: www.calibratedgems.com
E-mail: info.rashiratan@gmail.com
Call@: +91-9001003330