High Quality Organics Supplies Organic Dried Fruits and Vegetables to Food Businesses


The supplier of organic ingredients in North America helps food businesses benefit from the growing organic food demand by providing a wide variety of certified organic dried fruits and vegetables.

[RENO, 12/27/2018] – High Quality Organics has a large inventory of non-GMO, certified organic dried fruits and vegetables that it supplies to food businesses across North America.

Switching to organic is a great opportunity for businesses because more than 80 percent of U.S. households purchase organic food regularly. Consumers trust products with the organic seal since they find organic produce to be safe, containing less chemicals than traditionally produced food.

Impressive Selection of Dried Fruits and Vegetables

High Quality Organics has been known for its selection of dried mushrooms. The source of organic ingredients, however, has expanded its inventory to different fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, the company regularly updates its product collection to provide its customers with more options. Customer favorites include:

• Dried beet powder
• Orange peel
• Dried kale powder

Each ingredient is available in wholesale. The minimum order quantity varies depending on the product.

An Advocate of Sustainable Business

Apart from providing an array of organic ingredients, HQO is a supporter of sustainable business. Since its products are all organic, the company is able to provide ingredients that are safe for consumers’ health, preserve the environment, and give family farmers around the world a sustainable income.

The company sources its organic dried fruits and vegetables from a number of family farms worldwide.

Additionally, High Quality Organics combines its knowledge and the latest technology in organic farming to produce products that contribute to soil biodiversity, production, and water retention. Organic growers use only natural, non-GMO fertilizers.

About High Quality Organics

High Quality Organics started in October 2009. To date, it is the only all-organic food ingredient company in North America. It provides food businesses, from startups to established brands, with bulk organic ingredients, including herbs and botanicals, teas, spices, blends, and grains.

Visit https://www.hqorganics.com for more details.