New Company Rentalcloud Offers a Revolutionary Way to Advertise Your Holiday Home



New Edinburgh based company RentalCloud is providing holiday home owners worldwide with a unique new way to advertise their holiday lets, and they’re offering the first six months for free.

Holiday homes are growing in popularity, with many travellers turning to them as a more personal, sociable and often cheaper option to hotels. For property owners, they are the ideal way to make a bit of extra money, and at this time of year, they should be a hive of activity, filled with people taking well-deserved breaks for the summer. But, with so much competition and ample ways to advertise, it can be hard to get guests through the doors, with many properties sitting empty and costing money unnecessarily for days or weeks at a time.

Holiday home rental websites offer a great way to advertise holiday lets, but they are known for charging commission and eating into profits. Property owners also have little control over who stays in their property and minimal opportunities to promote their empty weeks. All that changes with RentalCloud though. As a customer-focused company concerned with creating a solution where everyone benefits, they charge no commission or booking fees and make the whole experience as easy and secure as possible. All homeowners and travellers are vetted during registration, and they can communicate directly with each other through the website, taking away risk and uncertainty. The real benefit, however, comes from Rentalcloud’s brand new auction feature that gives travellers looking for a last minute trip the opportunity to bid for great deals and homeowners the chance to substantially reduce the time their property sits empty – it’s a win-win situation.

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Media Contact:
RentalCloud Limited
Summit House, 4–5 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BD
Phon: +44 (0) 7717765589
