Robot assisted renal transplants revolutionizing treatment outcomes


To discuss the surgical advancements in the field of renal transplant, department of Urology and Renal Transplantion at Max Hospital Saket hosted Max Transplant – Surgicon 2018. The academic conference was exclusively dedicated to the surgical advancements made in the field of renal transplantation and focused on managing intra-operative complications by showcasing a live surgery.

Leading doctors from across the nation participated in the two daylong conference.

The program was designed for knowledge and experience sharing by various eminent speakers on the latest trends and treatment options for management of renal ailments.

“In the last few years, there have been many advances in renal replacement and organ support, namely In terms of innovation and technology. Robot-Assisted Renal Transplantation has become extremely useful as it results in quicker recovery, less pain and smaller scar with quicker healing. Unlike regular surgeries for kidney transplantation where the patient receives the kidney through a larger muscle cutting process, robotic surgery is conducted with only a small incision and involves no cutting of muscle. Blood loss during surgery and scope for human error are also minimized.” Said Dr. Anant Kumar, Chairman – Urology, Renal Transplant, Robotics and Uro-Oncology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket.

Robot- assisted surgeries are currently revolutionizing the way surgeries are conducted across the globe. Such surgeries involve minimal blood loss, quick recovery, shorter hospital stay and a faster return to the normal life.

“There is a huge discrepancy between the demand and supply of organs in our country. Every year approx. 2 lakh new patients with chronic kidney failure are registered while only 5000 transplantation surgeries take place. Apart from non-availability of donors, lack of awareness among people about the advancements in treatment options is a major reason. Usually people are skeptical about their own well-being when they are asked to donate one kidney. We need to understand that donating one kidney does not affect the physical abilities, quality of life or longevity of a person.” Said Dr. Ruchir Maheshwari- senior transplant surgeon, Max Hospital

New emerging modalities in renal transplant were discussed amongst experts on transplant surgery in multiple vessels, organ distribution in deceased donor – legal issues, complication in cadaver transplant, understanding ABO incompatible renal transplant, role of newer immunosuppressants, operation in difficult access for AVF, etc.

We also remove donor kidney by laparoscopic methods so that donor have minimal discomfort and excellent cosmetic results. Most people can have a second, or even a third transplant. However, the wait for a second transplant is usually longer. The success of a second transplant is on average as good as for a first transplant. With Robot-Assisted Renal Transplantation, a second transplant surgery is comparatively easier to conduct.” added Dr Anant.

Live demonstration of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and Robotic kidney transplantation were the highlights of the event. Robotic kidney transplantation is new emerging modality to decrease morbidity of open kidney transplantation. It is a boon for obese patients and young females.