Turnkey Project For Plastic Extrusion Plant


Turnkey Project For Plastic Extrusion Plant
Aawadkrupa Industries is pioneer and front runner as a Manufacturer & Exporter of wide range of “Turnkey Project For Plastic Extrusion Plant & Rope Making Machineries” in India since year 1996 by employing young ambitious professionally managed team of engineers.
Aawadkrupa Plastomech Pvt. Ltd. (APPL) is well aware that quality is back bone of every manufacturing industry and it approved it by set up well planned work shop with sophisticated machineries. Aawadkrupa is committed to supply quality, profitability, cost effective and power saving machines that placed us as world leader in the plastic processing machineries. APPL is PLASTIC EXTRUSION PLANT MANUFACTURER IN WORLD and leading Plastic Extrusion Plant Exporter in India.
Product Overview
In our product basket, we have more than 20 different machineries to offer the Plastic Industries. The product overview gives you an idea to select a perfect model machine which best suites to your requirement.
We have basically divided our products into 3 sections.
1. Plastic Extrusion Plant :-
Monofilament Extrusion Plant, Pet Monofilament Extrusion Plant, Crushing Dan Line Extrusion Plant, Mono Dan Line Extrusion Plant, Pet Strap Extrusion Plant
PP Tape Fibrillating Extrusion Plant, PP Raffia Tape Stretching Extrusion Plant, PP non Woven Fabric Machine, Tape Sutli Extrusion Machine.
2. Machines :-
Rope Making (Twisting) Machine, Ply Yarn Twister, Ring Twister, Coiling Machine, Hank Machine Suitable for Mono, PP Tape, Dan Line Yarn, Nylon Yarn, Polyester Yarn, Synthetic Yarn, Multifilament Yarn, Cotton, Jute, Sisal, Manila etc.
3. Ancillary Products :-
Such as Bobbin Winder, Online Ring Winder, Pineapple Winder, Roll Winder, Cheese Winder, Re-Winding Stand, Creel Stand, Raw Material Bobbin etc.
Visit us @ : http://www.plasticextrusionplant.com/plastic-extrusion-plants-manufacturer.html
Aawadkrupa Plastomech Pvt. Ltd.
“Aawadkrupa” survey no-131-A, Navagam Bhavnagar-Rajkot highway Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364060
Reception : + 91 – 9510186014, 9879615963 Email : info@akiropes.com