PET Strap Extrusion Plant, BOX Strapping Plant :


PET Strap Extrusion Plant, BOX Strapping Plant :
We are largest manufacturer and exporter of “Plastic Extrusion Plant and Rope Making Machine” in Gujarat, India. Pet Strap Extrusion Plant, Box Strapping Plant is highly demandable item as its replacement of metal strap and using various industries mainly like Cotton Industries, Box packing, etc.
Strap PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate Strap also known as polyester strap and PET Box Strapping Plant) is often used where formerly steel strap was applied. This is due to some very good properties of PET Strap. Not only is this strap very strong due to its high tensile and tear resistance, but also very elastic so that the reduction of the size can be accommodated. It is resistant to shocks and bumps. If you pack any material like cotton with pressure 150 and throw it from long distance or move from height, material will be safe due to straight of PET Strap. Even in the long term this strap is extremely robust, and insensitive to UV light. These properties remain valid, even at high temperatures. In addition Strap PET is also much lighter than steel strap.
Application of PET Strap in Industries Like: Baling (fiber, Cotton, Jute, Coir), Palletization (Cartons, Film Rolls, Baggage Industry, Bottles, Clay Building Bricks) Packing for Metal in any form like bar, wire, pipe, sheet coil for any metals and Building Material and Wood (Plywood , Roofing Tiles, Timber, Chipboards,).
Eco Friendly: Pet Strap Tape is 100% recyclable. Pet Strap is the best alternative for applications that require high tensile strength, high retained tension and elongation.
In APPL’s Pet Starp machine you can you 100% recycle bottle flex moreover can be added scrap of strap (Which already used) as per quality requirement due to special screw design. You can produce Strap.
High strength with controlled elongation provides excellent resistance to busting, which prevents swelling of bales.
Excellent elongation features absorb impacts during transportation.
Ideal for Paper roll and Palletized Load for printing industry.
Reduction of material costs (up to 50% savings)
Less risk of injury in case of strapping breakages
Easy and clean handling compared to steel strapping

Impact resistance
Low Creep
Safety standards
Minimum product damage
Easier disposal-Recyclable material

Box Strapping Plant, Pet Strap Extrusion Plant also refer as PLASTIC STRAPPING BAND MACHINERY, BALING STRAPS PRODUCING PLANT, PET STRAPPING BAND MAKING PLANT, GREEN PET PACKING STRAP MAKING PLANT, strap extrusion machine, Pet Strap Making Machine, Box Strapping Extrusion Line, Industrial Packing Extrusion Line, Pallet Packing Strap Extrusion Plant, Plastic Straping Band Extrusion Plant, Plastic Strap Extrusion Line,.

APPL is one of the trusted Pet Strap Plant Exporter in India our Industrial Packing Extrusion Lines are fully automatic pet strap extrusion plant. APPL is one of the fastest growing Manufacturer of Pet Strap Extrusion Line in World and one of the leading Manufacturer of Pet Strap in India and market leader Manufacturer of Pet Strap extrusion plant in Gujarat.

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