Mama & Maid – A Clean And Organised Home Makes A Happy Homeowner


Mama & Maid Cleaning Services
P.O.Box: 120106,
Dubai, UAE.
Tel: 04 224 2271, 055 2696 412

Everyone wants to live in a clean home, but not everyone enjoys the actual act of cleaning. Many homeowners can barely muster up the energy to clean and organize their home because of all the other commitments and chores they have to oversee. At the same time, they realize that they require help. Cleaning services are no longer for the rich and famous. Even an average person can employ a maid, whether it is once a week, a couple of times a month or on a full-time basis. Here’s why maids in Dubai are worth every penny.

A maid service will not just clean the surface but attempt to clean all the rough and tough spots. They will not just run with the broom but actually make the mess disappear and the walls and floor to look spotlessly clean. They will not leave until every counter has been wiped clean.

Many homeowners have families to care for and when the cleaning duties also fall onto their list of responsibilities, it can become all too much. Instead of rushing back and forth between the cleaning and the rest of the chores, hiring maids in Dubai will cost less time and energy.

Even if homeowners have time on their hands, they prefer doing other things to actually cleaning out the home. These are not chores that are enjoyable unless it is in the hands of an expert. And that is what Mama & Maid are known for. They have an outstanding cleaning service with the right experience and professionalism that will get the tasks done on time, and within budget.

With so many cleaning supplies available on the market, homeowners may not know the difference between good and bad products. But, the maids in Dubai know every little detail, as this is part of their job. They will bring their own cleaning products saving homeowners a trip to the store.

A clean home makes a happy homeowner. Each day is like a fresh start. Coming to a spotlessly clean home rejuvenates the body and mind. Sitting at the kitchen counter is enjoyable because the countertop is gleaming. “This way everyone gets to enjoy their meal”, says the Head of Mama & Maid. “What are you waiting for? Book your appointment today”.

About Us
Mama and Maid Cleaning Service is located in the heart of Dubai, providing our customers smart and energetic staff to see to all your housekeeping needs. Our goal is to offer a happy, hygienic and comfortable home. We have a great rapport with our clients and our commitment lies in maintaining a relationship of trust, honesty and integrity. We also specialize in maintenance services and contract cleaning for retail, commercial and industrial buildings. For more information visit us on our website at