Direct Fairways Offers Creative Advertising on Golf Courses to Help Neighboring Local Business Prosper


The golf environment is perfect for telling a number of brand stories, delivered in various formats and in a number of different ways. Premiere golf course marketing company, Direct Fairways helps golf courses and the neighboring local business communities prosper by selling advertising on scorecards.
Direct Fairways Scorecard is a must take when heading out for a round of golf. Whether it’s the leagues, outings, or weekly golfers, the score card is a helpful info tool used by all. Not only does it help you keep score, but it lists rules, has the hole maps, and course indicators.
Advertisers featured on scorecards get constant attention from players during their round of golf, which usually lasts over 4 hours. During this time golfers interact with the scorecard and become very familiar with the local businesses featured on it.
Because the golf course is an uncluttered environment, it’s possible to engage with both golfers and non-golfers in multiple ways. Brands can capture attention virtually anywhere on the course and if they tell a good story, the ‘interruption will be welcome.
Direct Fairways breaks tradition by delivering high quality yardage books to golf courses at no expense. They have a proven track record of helping golf courses save money, all while increasing course revenue and supporting the growth of local businesses.
Direct Fairways pride themselves on not only delivering a quality product for the golf courses they serve but also continuing to strive to be the largest and most professional provider of golf websites, scorecards and yardage guides in the United States.
Quality products, excellent customer service and a true commitment to providing a healthy environment for local business to be seen by hundreds of potential clients each and every day of the year is what Direct Fairways is all about.
About Direct Fairways
Direct Fairways is a Nationwide Golf Advertising company that helps golf courses and the neighboring local business communities prosper. Established in Arizona with two sales guys providing product for golf courses and the business community, they are very proud to say that they have been in growth mode ever since and now provide hundreds of golf courses all over the country with their products.
Their products have a proven track record of helping golf courses and local businesses work together to grow their communities. The golf courses receive their products at no cost and allow local businesses to advertise their product or services to a large captive audience each and every day. All advertisers/sponsors are approved by the golf course management staff.
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