Insightful Forecast on Expansion of Global Assistive Listening Devices Market During 2017-2027


Market Outlook

People have varying degree of hearing in both the ears. People who are hard of hearing require an increase of volume to achieve the same level of hearing as normal. Assistive listening devices aid such people. Assistive listening devices are amplifying systems that are designed to help people who have hearing difficulty. Most of these devices can be used along with personal hearing aids that help remove background noise, minimize the negative impact and sound distortion. The main function of the assistive listing device is to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.

Each device has three components that includes a microphone, transmission technology and a receiving device, which receives the surrounding sound and transmits an amplified sound to the microphone in the ear. A number of products have been launched recently, some of them include the Set 880 and Set 860 by Sennheiser and custom hearing device by Widex in 2017. The launch of new devices every year indicates that the market is flourishing.

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Factors Driving and Hindering the Assistive Listening Devices Market

Age-related hearing impairment is a common problem across the globe. With the growing aging population across the world there is a rise in the need to address the hearing impairment problem, which is a driving factor for the growth of the assistive listening devices market and hearing aid dehumidifier market. Technological advancements such as Bluetooth connectivity and digital signal processing along with noise reduction are also factors driving the growth of the market. The disadvantages such as in the case of FM-assistive listening devices there is privacy issue if the signal is received by another FM receiver. Furthermore, rechargeable devices need to be charged every day along with the added time taken to use the hearing aid dehumidifier.

Amplifier the Most Common Assistive Listening Device Type

An amplifier is a personal listening device attached with a mic and a listening cord. It is the most common type of assistive listening device. The amplifier has number of advantages such as low cost and portability. These devices work best for on-to-one communication and to provide temporary amplification. Some of the amplifiers come with directional microphones, which direct the device towards the sound source. Since these devices are small, handy and affordable, they are the most preferred type of assistive listening devices. However, since the hearing device is wired it may not be suitable of a person who has to move around or listing from a distance, e.g., in the case of concerts or theaters. In such cases advancements such as the Bluetooth technology could help to use the device in theaters and classrooms or even while watching TV.

Adult Assistive Listening Devices Segment

The adult assistive listening devices segment is the leading contributor to the assistive listening devices market, due to the aging population across the globe. Furthermore, hearing impairment is a major problem in elderly people. Other factors such as noise emission in heavy duty industries is likely to damage the hearing capacity. However, pediatric assistive listening devices segment is also an interesting area of development for many manufacturers.

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Regional Market Outlook

Europe is one of the large markets for both the assistive listening devices. This is due to the large number of manufacturers in the region. North America is also a dominant market due to the significant government support, for instance, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that there are assistive hearing devices in all public places such as movie theaters, live theaters, and other such places. Europe and America have shown significant technological development in the past few years, while Asia Pacific is the fastest growing region due to the high rate of aging population and other such factors.