Solarplus is a provider of innovative solutions for professional cleaning with high efficiency


Improve solar efficiency and maintain cleanliness Photovoltaic modules have to be installed in order to receive sunlight, but due to the nature of the installation, they are inevitably polluted from the surrounding environment! The solar six keeps the panel clean and can improve efficiency by about 10%.
Quickly and easily remove all kinds of pollutants from small-scale solar energy generation facilities under 100kw.This is a high-efficiency mainstream solar panel cleaning device that can increase the efficacy of solar energy generation facilities through thorough solar cell facility cleaning.
SOLAR SIX-SP6 Features and effects
Improving solar performance and improving profitability the newly developed Solar six has excellent cleaning power, which effectively removes the old time and dust accumulated for a long time and maintains cleanliness, as well as enhances efficiency and prolongs machine life.
You can clean up to 6m height using the Solar Six pole. It is possible to supply water by connecting a hose to the head brush.
Improve solar efficiency and maintain cleanliness Photovoltaic modules have to be installed in order to receive sunlight, but due to the nature of the installation, they are inevitably polluted from the surrounding environment! The solar six keeps the panel clean and can improve efficiency by about 10%.
It’s a pollution shot taken at a distance from the photovoltaic module.
There are dirt-like parts and dirt-contaminated parts.
This can be produced not only by iron powder but also by dust, fine dust and rainwater.
This pollution hinders solar power generation and reduces power generation.
It can have a bad influence on the development profit.
There is a difference in power generation efficiency after the solar washing
Angle Adjustment
Angle adjustable cleaning tool
It is possible to wash variously according to the angle of solar control panel. Can rotate up to 120 degrees
The angle of the panel differs for each solar power plant. SOLAR SIX is allows users to adjust the angle manually.
solar cleaning tools supplier – You can quickly remove the dirt and dust that has been accumulated for a long time to maintain cleanliness. solar cleaning system manufacturer Korea- If snow is on the solar, no more power is generated. Failure to remove the eye may cause panel failure.